
Ila Spa Face Oil for Glowing Radiance has been touted as Ila Spa’s ‘little miracle’ face oil. Packed with essential fatty acids and antioxidants, this best-selling product fights wrinkles, whilst providing nourishment at the deepest level of your skin. Enriched with argan oil and rosehip seed oil to heal scar tissue, it also contains damascene rose otto to reverse the signs of ageing and regenerate your skin cells, whilst sandalwood rejuvenates and hydrates your skin. Boasting a divine, long-lasting fragrance, it’s perfect for wearing under makeup. – L.M. Directions for Use: Use morning and evening after cleansing and before any basic cream Place 3-5 drops in the palm of your hand and apply evenly with gentle brushing strokes or fingertip pressure Apply to the face and neck